Archive for the ‘Michael Vick’ Category

I’m done.

I just want this human piece of shit to go away.

I turn on the television tonight for the first time in almost a week and I am confronted with Michael Vick’s “apology”. An apology that he was forced into. An apology as a last resort. An apology that was a last ditch effort if he were to ever have a chance of playing football again.

Then, video of animals howling in pain and fear as they are bested by another animal.

He drowned animals for losing. Fuck him.

He blamed it on immaturity. Fuck you Michael Vick. You are damaged. Your soul is polluted. You deliberately thieved innocence from the innocent.

You deserve nothing but agony. You deserve no second chance, not a second of peace ever again. You should be forced to fight for your life everyday without even being able to understand why. When you inevitably lose, you should be drowned, violently by someone you love.

I hold an exclusive and unique brand of hate in my heart for you, a man I’ve never even met.

For your sake, I wish for a hell, so that you may burn in it.
Forgive me, I will not utter his name again. I promise.

Drinks for my friends.

Human stain part deux

Forgive the metaphor, I apoligize for beating a dead horse.

Michael Vick, quarterback for the Falcons agreed to cop a plea today. I’m honestly not paying much attention because I’m almost positive he won’t get what he has coming.

I think this worthless piece of human shit should have to fight everyday in prison for his life and then be strangled or executed when he loses.

I hate when public sentiment reaches a fever pitch and the self righteous opportunists rise to the top and show up in the media.

I am somewhat loathe to find myself in their company. Nonetheless, I stake my position on this. I have less than zero sympathy for this man.

Animal abuse is a common thread among serial killers and a clear red hallmark of sociopathy.

Any man who even tolerates a fight to the death between innocent animals for entertainment is one damaged and evolutionarily obsolete crumb of human detritus. Any man or woman that views it as sport and finds it entertaining should be lobotomized.

Fuck him and his friends. I’m done.

Drinks for mine.

From the hip.

I sat down with the idea of taking my turn beating the
crap out of our thoroughly disgraced and shamefully
pompous attorney general. He was embarrassing. It
was aggravating to watch. What a complete dickhead.

What I’m about to say may shock you.

So what?

Without a doubt, this guy is a fucking clown. He’ll
lose his job, be publicly disgraced and fade into the
ether. After a time he’ll land some six or seven
figure gig and none if it will matter, at least not
to him.

Today at least, I feel I have bigger fish to fry.

So, I was gathering steam, CNN was on in the
background, sound very low, as is my wont. A story
appeared that has been tugging at my rage for a few
days and I just couldn’t let it go any longer. It’s
an issue that is very close to my heart. The story
was about one Michael Vick and the “sport” of dog

I could not stand to watch even fifteen seconds.

I’ve always regarded the idea that what separates
humans from animals is the ability to reason, as a
rather obtuse one. If that were true, my cat wouldn’t
consistently shit in the designated shit box, dogs
would spend all day looking for the food bowl and
gorillas wouldn’t gain remarkable proficiency in
things like sign language.

For a while, I held that the difference between us and
them is simply art. Creativity and an impetus or
inspiration for the aesthetic. Then some chimp
painted or something and I realized that my cat at the
the time had a sense of humor.

So much for that.

For some time now, I’ve owned that what indeed is the
distinction between human and animal, is innocence.
They have it in as pure and pristine a form as
exists. We do not. We are born with it, but by the
time we learn to walk, it has already begun to

Now, I don’t know if this guy is guilty or not, but it
sure looks like it. It occurred on his property,
under the guise of a business he owned, a kennel run
by both he and his relatives.

I don’t know that he did it. I didn’t even know who
he was until the story broke last week. I’m willing
to wait to find out.

If convicted, he faces as much as six years in prison,
a loss of some twenty five million dollars in annual
income and public humiliation.

Ha, motherfucker. Not nearly enough. Not even close. If this man
is guilty, there is no ring of hell appropriate for
such a human piece of shit.

I would suggest he deserves far more than to taste his own
blood. If his guilt is proven, I would recommend a
beat down with crowbars, baseball bats and claw
hammers until near death. Then, let him heal. Once he’s
ambulatory, repeat. And repeat. Over, and over, and
over again. I’d be happy to participate.

I am not fucking kidding.

You see, humans at least have the capacity to
understand what’s happening to them in any given
shitstorm. All animals know is pain and fear and they
don’t know why.

A similiar story comes on Anderson Cooper 360 as I
write this. I cannot watch it. I change the channel.

How could any human participate in such a barbaric and
elaborately premeditated undertaking? It would have
to be a being in possession of an entirely dark soul.
One utterly lacking compassion and decency. One
abundant in cruelty and viciousness. Depraved.
Stinking and rotting.

Domesticated animals, if provided with the merest
modicum of care and affection respond with
unconditional love.

This man if guilty, is culpable of more than violent
vivisection, he is responsible for robbing potentially
loving animals of their innocence and therefore, their

If he’s guilty, then fuck this piece of shit. No fate
is bad enough. A stain on humankind.

I would gleefully dance on a man’s head and sing, were that man just stupid enough to abuse an animal in front of me.

Try me.

Drinks for my friends.

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